
Organizational culture is often a key for the long-term sustainability of an organization. It is the set of key values, assumptions, understandings and norms that are shared by members of an organization. Culture forms the personality of an organization and works to unite all employees in their individual efforts to achieve collective goals.


  • Organizational Culture Assessments
  • Engagement Surveys
  • Recognition Programs
  • Diversity and Inter-cultural training


When it comes to diversity, ENGAGE HR™ is one of only a few certified as a Hofstede Insights trainers in Canada.


Understanding the root cause of performance challenges begins with an accurate diagnosis of the entire organization. Our rigorous approach leverages the industry’s leading culture assessment instrument, working in tandem with extensive internal dialogue and comparative industry analysis to deliver a clear and complete picture of your organization’s strengths and opportunities.


Trust, openness to new ideas, and a willingness to take business risks directly affect the potential for innovation to thrive within an organization. Our Consultants help assess your organization’s cultural readiness for innovation and work with you to shape a trusting environment of experimentation, learning, discovery, and ultimately, innovation.


ENGAGE HR™ has a proprietary survey system which is used to automate tailored employee engagement surveys. The year-over-year collection of survey outputs from an organization provides informative insights into employee groups, that might otherwise be assumed to be known, but all too often, are incorrect or misunderstood.


Over the years, we have developed and refined our methodology for culture change, using highly engaging and rigorous means to assess and measure organizational culture to help leaders use it as a successful lever of change.


Our team uses an evidence-based approach to quantify aspects of organizational culture that are proven to be linked to performance outcomes. We leverage internal dialogue, collaboration, and empirically validated culture assessments to quantify what have, until now, been the murky aspects of organizational performance. We provide hard data to measure, support, and sustain our culture work so clients can understand how it impacts their people and performance.


Feel free to contact us for a discussion of how we can assist your organization’s cultural improvement.


  • Full Suite of HR Services
  • Organizations of All Sizes
  • Range of Sectors
  • Affordable
  • Easy Access
  • Customized Solutions
  • Quality HR Advice
What our clients say

" I've used ENGAGE HR over the years with outstanding results. "

John Hubbard...
Hubbard Insurance Brokers