Pay Equity

ENGAGE HR™ has been consulting on pay equity since 2004.


Pay equity is equal pay for work of equal or comparable value. The Pay Equity Act was made law to narrow the portion of the wage gap that exists between women’s and men’s wages that was due to the undervaluing of work traditionally done by women.


The law requires the value of jobs usually done by women be compared to the value of jobs usually done by men. Female dominated jobs, which are found to be of equal or comparable value to male dominated jobs, must be paid at least the same.


Our consultants have in depth experience in evaluating the compliance status of organizations in both the private and public sectors. ENGAGE HR™ has extensive experience developing and updating pay equity plans in both unionized and non-union environments.


ENGAGE HR™ has a proven track record helping organizations to implement and maintain job evaluation systems that support pay equity compliance. (See our Job Evaluation section for more details.)


At ENGAGE HR™, we have a well-defined process for addressing all the considerations required to achieve and maintain pay equity. Whether your organization is dealing with pay equity in a single province or across Canada, we can support you to achieve and maintain pay equity:

  • Make sure you have the required type of job evaluation plan(s)
  • Conduct job evaluation
  • Carry out pay equity analysis
  • Identify pay equity gaps and devise approaches to address them
  • Develop pay equity plans
  • Discuss, engage and mediate with union representatives and/or labour representatives during the pay equity process
  • Provide professional support during pay equity audits and complaints
  • Mediate compensation disputes


As seasoned pay equity experts, we are well-versed with all the approved methodologies for undertaking pay equity analysis.


Feel free to contact us to discuss your organization’s needs.


  • Full Suite of HR Services
  • Organizations of All Sizes
  • Range of Sectors
  • Affordable
  • Easy Access
  • Customized Solutions
  • Quality HR Advice
What our clients say

" I've used ENGAGE HR over the years with outstanding results. "

John Hubbard...
Hubbard Insurance Brokers