Strategy and Action Planning

Our Strategy and Action planning experience with a wide range of organizations enables us to design and facilitate a strategic process that suits your culture, planning experience, and desired outcomes.


Strategy and Action planning supports organizations to set its purpose, mission, vision, values, product and human resources plan to guide and clarify management objectives in today’s constantly changing environment.


  • Strengthen the culture of strategic thinking in your company
  • Update your current strategic plan, or develop a new one
  • Align your management team behind a single vision
  • Allocate the resources you need to achieve goals



We help organizations build the right approaches and tools that include the following:

  • Developing a vision and mission, positioning where the organization is today and what does the desired future state look like
  • Defining the Values that allow the organization to project what it does and how it does it
  • Creating and defining the necessary core competencies that allow you to be unique in your market and leverage your distinctive advantage
  • Creating an assessment process in order to assist management in promoting the ‘right’ people into key positions within the organization
  • Assessing your strengths, weaknesses and areas of opportunity in order to achieve growth objectives
  • Creating a performance system in order to qualitatively and quantifiably measure the impact of initiatives that support your strategic plan


ENGAGE HR™ can help you define the right goals for your organization and develop the strategies to achieve them, while ensuring that you have the right capabilities and resources in place to make it all happen.


  • Full Suite of HR Services
  • Organizations of All Sizes
  • Range of Sectors
  • Affordable
  • Easy Access
  • Customized Solutions
  • Quality HR Advice
What our clients say

" I've used ENGAGE HR over the years with outstanding results. "

John Hubbard...
Hubbard Insurance Brokers