Workplace Investigations

ENGAGE HR™ specializes in workplace issues and investigations. We conduct an independent workplace investigation with fairness and integrity, and have been retained to conduct impartial workplace investigations across Canada, in both English and French.


ENGAGE HR™ team members are skilled professionals with active listening and interviewing skills, offering the highest level of experience, insight and credibility to ensure that a workplace investigation is conducted in a fair and unbiased manner. Workplace investigations have become more complicated in recent years, due to judicial and arbitrator decisions that place a heavy onus on the employer to conduct thorough and fair investigations.


Maintain a Healthy Workplace

When there is a complaint in the workplace – regardless of the issue – a prompt, fair and thorough workplace investigation can allow an organization to move forward with certainty, minimize any liability, and can assist in identifying and implementing any proactive steps or measures to prevent a re-occurrence.


Our Approach

Investigations are undertaken when the employer becomes aware of an incident or receives a complaint. During the complaint discovery phase, if an immediate resolution is not available and if an investigation is warranted, investigations are then conducted with utmost confidentiality to ensure the privacy and protection of the people involved. The participants, complainant, respondent, any witnesses and the employer must feel confident that the investigation is:

  • independent and impartial
  • efficient and timely
  • conducted with integrity
  • both procedurally fair and perceived fair
  • thorough and well-documented
  • maintained by an investigative process
  • respectful of confidentiality


At ENGAGE HR™, we will work with you to establish the scope and purpose of the investigation and a reasonable time-frame for its completion. The more expeditiously that that an investigation can be completed, the better it will be for the parties and the workplace as a whole.


ENGAGE HR™ has successfully assisted our clients with investigations into a variety of allegations such as:

  • workplace harassment
  • workplace violence
  • sexual harassment
  • failure to accommodate
  • misconduct / policy violations
  • poisoned / hostile work environments
  • workplace bullying and psychological harassment
  • statutory violations
  • racial harassment and workplace discrimination
  • code of conduct violations and other employee misconduct
  • abuse of authority
  • conflict of interest


Our team of professionals delivers efficient, effective and comprehensive workplace investigations designed to mitigate risk and minimize costs.

  • Full Suite of HR Services
  • Organizations of All Sizes
  • Range of Sectors
  • Affordable
  • Easy Access
  • Customized Solutions
  • Quality HR Advice
What our clients say

" I've used ENGAGE HR over the years with outstanding results. "

John Hubbard...
Hubbard Insurance Brokers